Website Pandas

From Stagnant to Soaring: A B2B’s Explosive Growth with Google Ads!


Website Pandas is a results-driven agency that focuses on delivering impactful results to our clients. We offer various digital marketing services, including SEO, PPC, social media marketing, email marketing, and more. We aim to help our clients increase online visibility, generate quality leads, and achieve business objectives.

Purpose of the Case Study:

This case study aims to showcase how Website Pandas helped a B2B service-based client overcome their lead generation challenges by setting up effective Google ads campaigns that generated over 500 leads per month, resulting in significant revenue growth for the client’s business.


Our client is a local B2B service-based business that provides consulting and advisory services to companies in the manufacturing industry. The client needed help to generate quality leads and was experiencing stagnant growth in their business despite their previous marketing efforts.

The client’s previous marketing efforts were focused on traditional marketing methods such as attending trade shows, networking events, and referrals. While these methods generated some leads, they needed to be more consistent and scalable, resulting in limited growth for the client’s business.

Challenges Faced by the Client:

The main challenge faced by the client was their inability to generate quality leads consistently. The client’s traditional marketing methods were not producing the desired results, and they needed help identifying effective lead-generation strategies that could scale their business.


Website Pandas approach to the client’s marketing efforts was to focus on setting up effective online marketing campaigns across Google, Facebook & LinkedIn, targeting the client’s ideal audience and generating quality leads consistently.

Our marketing plan and objectives included the following:

  • Conducting thorough research to identify the client’s ideal audience
  • Creating compelling ad copy and creative that resonated with the target audience
  • Setting up effective landing pages that converted visitors into leads
  • Monitoring and optimizing the campaigns regularly to improve performance
  • Reporting the results to the client regularly to ensure transparency and accountability


Website Pandas executed the marketing plan by setting up and managing effective Ad campaigns that targeted the client’s ideal audience. We created compelling ad copy and creative that resonated with the target audience and set up effective landing pages that converted visitors into leads.

We utilized various tools and software, including Google Ads, Google Analytics, Meta Ads Manager, and Unbounce, to monitor and optimize the campaigns regularly and improve performance. We also utilized A/B testing to test different ad copy, creative, and landing page designs to identify the best-performing elements.

Examples of the agency’s creative output included:

  • Compelling ad copy that highlighted the client’s unique value proposition and addressed the pain points of the target audience
  • Eye-catching creative that had images and videos that captured the attention of the target audience
  • Effective landing pages that provided clear and concise information about the client’s services and encouraged visitors to fill out a lead form


Website Pandas efforts resulted in significant growth for the client’s business. The following metrics and data showcase the effectiveness of our campaigns:

  • Over 500 quality leads generated per month
  • Significant revenue growth for the client’s business
  • Increased website traffic and engagement
  • Improved conversion rates and ROAS

The impact on the client’s business was substantial. They were able to scale their business and generate consistent leads that resulted in significant revenue growth. The client was thrilled with the results and provided us with the following testimonial:

“Website Pandas has been instrumental in helping us overcome our lead generation challenges. They set up effective Google ads campaigns that generated quality leads consistently, resulting in significant revenue growth for our business. We are thrilled with the results and highly recommend Website Pandas.

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