Website Pandas

Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring

How to Set Up & Optimize Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring

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Google Ads for epoxy flooring businesses is a strategic lead generation approach. The biggest advantage of using Google’s pay-per-click (PPC) model is that your ads will appear at the top of the search results for users who are actively looking for epoxy flooring services. However, setting up and managing an ad campaign is quite a task, especially for those new to it. To simplify things, we have explained all the essentials of Google Ads in this post. It will help you set up and optimize your campaign and get more leads. 

What are Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring Business?

Google Ads is a Pay-per-click advertising model that is used to increase the visibility of any business, such as epoxy flooring, among its target buyers. It is a cost-effective and smart method to generate leads and drive awareness about your services in your preferred area. 

Google Ads works effectively with an informed keyword targeting strategy, local optimization, and accurate budget setting. When you use the right keywords that your customers use to find your epoxy flooring services and create targeted ads, your ads become instantly visible. Thus, people who click on your ads have a huge potential for conversion. 

To continuously benefit from lead generation and conversions, Google Ads need to be tracked and optimized. You will find detailed reporting about the performance of your ads in the Google Ads dashboard, so it’s easy to make adjustments and constantly improve them.

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Major Benefits of Using Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring

Major Benefits of Using Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring

Google Ads have several benefits for epoxy flooring businesses. When ads are created based on extensive keyword research and optimized regularly, they bring the following advantages:

1. Increased Visibility and More Customers 

Google Ads are made to target individuals searching for epoxy flooring services in a particular region. To do so, you use multiple targeting methods given by Google Ads. This makes the ads show at the top of the search results when your ideal customer looks for specific epoxy flooring services online in their local area. Hence, it increases the visibility of your business and attracts more customers.

2. Target the Right Audience

Google Ads are deployed targeting specific audiences and their search queries. So, you don’t attract an irrelevant audience base who are not interested in your epoxy flooring services. Keywords like ‘epoxy contractors near me,’ ‘concrete coating companies near me,’ or ‘garage floor epoxy contractors’ make your ads relevant and ready to be clicked by people who are looking for such services. 

3. Cost-Effective Marketing 

Google Ads operates on a cost-per-click model, making you pay for the actual engagement on your ads. There is no cost involved with running the ad. To ensure that your spending is worthwhile, you need to tailor the ads and landing pages for high conversion. Also, by constantly tracking and improving different aspects of the ad, you can get the desired return on your investment. 

Maintaining a high-quality score for your targeted keywords plays a significant role in optimizing your cost by reducing cost per click. The better the quality score, the lower the cost will be. Also, an improved quality score will increase your ad’s ranking among other competitors.

4. Stay Connected With Your Target Audience 

Retargeting Google Ads helps you reconnect with the visitors who entered your landing page but didn’t book a service. Your potential customers keep seeing those ads as they browse the web. This ensures that you are always connected with your audience. It also increases your brand awareness. 

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How to Setup Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring?

Setting up a Google Ad account for epoxy flooring takes a few steps, which include the following:

  • Create your Google Ad account.
Create your Google Ad account.
  • Now, click the ‘new campaign‘ button.
Now, click the ‘new campaign‘ button
  • Select a campaign objective. If you are starting out, choose the Website traffic option.
Select a campaign objective. If you are starting out, choose the Website traffic option.
  • Eventually, after your website starts attracting traffic and has data, you can change the objective of your Google Ads to Leads. 
  • Next, select the campaign type. For the epoxy flooring business, the Search campaigns will work best as they appear throughout Google search results. 
Next, select the campaign type. For the epoxy flooring business, the Search campaigns will work best as they appear throughout Google search results. 
  • Now, enter your business website name.
Now, enter your business website name.
  • Set the budget and bidding. Start by setting a daily budget between $20 to $40.
  • Next, choose a bidding strategy for your campaign. It can be conversions, clicks, or impression share. 
Next, choose a bidding strategy for your campaign. It can be conversions, clicks, or impression share. 
  • Since you selected the website traffic option earlier, your campaign can initially focus on clicks. But with time, the focus should change to conversions.
  • After that, choose the type of network. We will recommend you choose Search Network as the campaign type is Search, which is text-based ads. The second option is the Display Network, which shows image-based ads.
  • When it comes to location, go for Advanced Search. Tap ‘Enter another location’ and tap ‘Advanced search.’
  • Set the radius and put your location on the left side.
Set the radius and put your location on the left side.
  • Tap ‘Save‘ and set the language.
  • On the next page, enter the most relevant and high-intent keywords for your epoxy flooring business.
  • Scroll down and put in your keywords on the Display path. 
  • Set the headlines and extensions, and you will be done. 

Read Also: How Much You Should Pay PPC Management Pricing?

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How to Optimize Epoxy Flooring Google Ads?

You should structure the campaign correctly to get more leads for your epoxy flooring business using Google Ads. It means creating ads with high-volume and intent keywords, highlighting your unique USPs, targeting the right audience, and setting up responsive and relevant landing pages. Follow these techniques to build and launch successful Google Ads for epoxy flooring. 

1. Create a Strong Keyword Strategy

Based on your specialization, be it residential epoxy flooring or commercial epoxy flooring, you need to find a set of high-search volume keywords. These search terms should be relevant to the end goal of your campaign. Use Google Keyword Planner, Spyfu, or any other paid keyword research tool to locate keywords that your potential customers are using to find epoxy flooring services. These can be ‘epoxy flooring contractors,’ ‘garage floor coating near me,’ epoxy flooring cost,’ ‘epoxy resin floor,’ and the like. 

After deciding on keywords, pair them with the right match types. Google gives you the option to use Broad Match, Phase Match, and Exact Match keywords. 

Broad Match Keywords 

Broad Match is the default match type Google uses for every keyword.  They appear for an ad when a user searches for words similar to your keyword but not necessarily exact. These keywords increase the coverage for your ads, but it does not mean that your ad will show for the precise searches you want. Your ad can generate false impressions and clicks.

For example, if your broad match type keyword is ‘epoxy flooring,’ your ad will appear to those who are looking for ‘types of epoxy flooring services’ and ‘epoxy flooring jobs.’

Phrase Match Keywords 

Phrase Match type only needs a specific phrase from the query to match exactly.  The remaining search term can be anything. So, if your keyword is ‘garage epoxy flooring,’ your ads will show for searches like ‘best garage epoxy flooring, and ‘garage epoxy flooring company’ because they still match the phrase you specified exactly. 

Exact Match Keywords 

With Exact Match keywords, your epoxy flooring ads will show on searches with the same words as your search term. If your keyword is ‘commercial epoxy coatings,’ the ad will show for searches like ‘commercial epoxy coatings’ and not for ‘best commercial epoxy coatings’ even if the intent of the search is the same as ‘best commercial epoxy coatings.’

2. Make Negative Keywords a Part of Your Strategy

Using negative keywords prevents your epoxy flooring business Google ad from showing for irrelevant searches. 

It is best to keep services related to epoxy flooring that you do not provide in your negative keyword list. That way, if a person looks for something related to epoxy flooring but not to your specific service, your ad will not show up.

3. Setup Location Targeting

Implementing location targeting allows you to connect with customers in your area with personalized ads. So, it increases the chances of leads and conversions. Use these points while targeting locations:

  • You can indicate whether you wish to target that particular region or exclude it. 
  • Use radius targeting to target your Google Ads around a particular radius. If you have set up a physical office recently, target a small area around your area. 
  • Expand the location you have targeted gradually after checking the variation in your ad performance due to it. This will help in determining the right targeting radius for your epoxy flooring business. 

Ultimately, how well you use location targeting depends on your understanding of your customer demographics and their distribution across locations. 

4. Give More Information Through Ad Extensions

Your Google Ads for epoxy flooring will generate more interest when you equip them with more useful information about your service. Using ad extensions is a great way to do that. 

The key extensions to use include location extensions, call extensions, site link extensions, and structured snippet extensions. 

  • Location extensions show your business address and phone number.
  • Call extensions offer options for potential customers to connect with you directly. 
  • Site link extensions take the user to particular pages on your website, such as the blog, portfolio, and services page. 
  • Structured snippet extensions appear directly under your ad and highlight supplementary information about your epoxy flooring service. Some examples include ‘Patio coatings’ and ‘driveway sealings.’ Follow the structured snippet guidelines set by Google to create the snippets correctly. 

5. Create Compelling Ads and Relevant Landing Pages 

A Google ad copy for epoxy flooring businesses should be clear and crisp with relevant keywords. You should include keywords in the headings and descriptions, ensuring that they blend seamlessly into the message you are conveying. An efficient practice is to analyze your competitors’ ad copies. Check how they have structured the information and call-to-actions. After that, try to create catchier copies. 

The ad copy will work best if the landing page associated with it is relevant. For instance, if your ad copy is about basement epoxy flooring but the landing page associated with it has no specific content related to it, the visitor will close your website immediately. But if the landing page has essential information that the customer needs to know about basement epoxy flooring at the beginning, along with a CTA like ‘Get a FREE estimate!’ then the chances of them converting will be higher. 

So, design the landing page with the needs of the customer who has clicked your ad in mind. To further increase the credibility of your service, include high-quality visuals and customer testimonials on the landing page. While doing so, ensure that the page does not look cluttered. 

6. Use Different Bidding Strategies According to Your Goals

Bidding dictates what you are willing to spend for every click or number of views for your Epoxy flooring ad. There are many bidding options, both manual and automated, in Google Ads. Your choice should depend on your goal. 

  1. Cost-per-click (CPC) bidding should be chosen to increase website traffic.
  2. Cost-per-thousand viewable impressions (vCPM) bidding is best for increasing the awareness of your brand.
  3. If you are a newly opened epoxy flooring business or have never tried Google Ads, start with Manual CPC bidding. In it, you will set the specific highest cost-per-click (CPC) for your ads. This bidding approach will help in increasing website traffic. 
  4. After a certain period, when you need to reach a target budget monthly, change to Maximize Click bidding. Proper keyword research is essential to know the amount you can expect to pay for every click.

When you have more data about your ad performance, experiment with automated bidding strategies. Ensure to set up conversion tracking before using automated bidding. It will allow you to measure the real return on your ad spend, and you will achieve a proper idea of your campaign’s effectiveness.

7. Measure the Effectiveness of Your Google Ads 

To get the best results from your Google Ads for the epoxy flooring business, analyzing the ad performance is vital. A thorough analysis of your effort should include checking the following:

  1. Monitoring the conversion tracking data
  2. Evaluate the ROI. A positive ROI occurs when the value of each conversion is higher than the amount you spent to achieve it. 
  3. Review the Search Terms report. It tells you how closely the queries that prompted your ads to show are related to your actual search terms. In turn, it helps you understand the match types working optimally and how to improve them to prompt your ad to show for the right searches.  Go to ‘Campaigns’ in your ad account, followed by ‘Insights and reports’ to find the Search Terms report.
  4. A/B test your ads. Use different keywords, experiment with different match types, and adjust bids to determine the best-performing combination. Also, create different versions of ad copies and landing pages and compare the results they generate.

What is a Reasonable Budget for Google Ads for Epoxy Flooring?

Epoxy flooring businesses that are beginning to explore Google Ads should start with a modest but not very low budget. A good amount will be $2 per click until your ad has been running for a week. When you are sure about the stability of your ads, you can start increasing the budget. You should know the cost per click for your keywords to determine your ad budget. This can be found on the Keyword Planner tool. 

Choose the ‘Start with keywords’ option and enter your website or keyword. You will see the CPC for every keyword. List the keywords, their monthly search volume, and  CPC on a spreadsheet. Use this information to calculate the cost and average monthly budget for your epoxy flooring Google Ads. 

Concluding Words 

Now, you have the understanding needed to create and run Google Ads for epoxy flooring businesses. The PPC model is a robust marketing tool to get leads for your epoxy flooring business, provided you structure the ads correctly and use the right bidding strategy. It is also essential to constantly optimize your campaigns and keep them performing better than your competitors. Don’t worry if all this sounds a bit complex. You can seek the help of Google Ad experts at Website Pandas and reap the benefits of top-performing ads. Contact us today to discuss your requirements. 

Need Help with Google Ads?

Ankur Goyal
Ankur Goyal

Ankur is a Digital Evangelist with over 20 years of work experience. Ankur has been managing Google and Facebook Ads for over ten years. He loves the digital world and everything about it! His goal is to help as many businesses as possible by sharing his knowledge of online marketing with them.

Ankur has an extensive background in Shopify, E Commerce, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Strategies, Sales Funnels, and Conversion Rate Optimization. He is a founder of Website Pandas – a digital agency specializing in Web Design & development, Digital Marketing, and Data Analysis & Optimization. Apart from managing overall agency operations, Ankur also leads the company's digital marketing efforts.

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