Website Pandas

Optimize Google Local Service Ads

How To Optimize Google Local Service Ads In 2024?

Table of Contents

Local Service Ads are an essential component of your marketing strategy. It is important to optimize Google local services ads once your account is established. Search Engine Land states that 13.8% of all SERP clicks are in Google Local Services Ads. If LSAs are included in search outcomes, the number of clicks on organic results drops to about 44%. These statistics indicate why businesses are vying for one of the three local service ads served by Google:

Reasons Why?

  • Users trust LSAs.
  • The only cost is each lead. 
  • LSAs result in new business for advertisers. 
  • Organic results and standard PPC are given less weight based on strong LSA click-throughs. 

10 Ways to Optimize Google Local Service Ads

1. Stay Engaged in Your Dashboard.

It’s critical to remain engaged and mark the progress of each lead that comes through using the status function. Instead of calls sitting in the dashboard, listen to them and mark them as ‘archived’ or ‘booked’ or ‘archived,’ or else you are not using the most basic tools. 

The GLSA account offers a lot of automation, but you will still need to work. Furthermore, the rest of your optimization work will not yield results. There is a clear connection between managing and monitoring your local service dashboard and ranking well in Google’s LSAs. 

2. Delegate the Task to a Single Person.

Designating an employee to oversee and manage your LSAs is advisable. Occasionally, when too many are using the dashboard, responsibility becomes questionable, and any attempts to establish new processes quickly fall flat. With one person managing your Google Local Service platform’s inbound lead flow, responsibility and ownership are guaranteed. 

As a small business owner, you will decide whether to assign the assignment to a team member or yourself. Either way, give it to a single person.

3. Raise Your Budget.

Reassessing and reallocating your budget to dedicate additional funds, particularly toward this endeavor, is sometimes the best way to boost your Google Local Service Ads. A larger budget will allow you to publish more frequent and higher-quality ads, further aiding your brand or business in gaining its attention. 

This might not be an easy investment initially for startups or businesses with little funding. But you can defend the costs if you begin to see the results (as leads and customers). 

4. Expand the Range or Zip Codes/ Radius.

Increasing your availability or the zip codes that your ads reach is another approach to make your ads more effective. In either scenario, expanding is the best course of action. You can decide to add certain zip codes or just raise your radius in general. 

You’ll be able to maximize your Local Service Ads much more successfully when you’re more accessible and reach more localities. You’ll also have a better chance of getting leads and expanding your clientele. Just be careful to list locations you will service to avoid deceptively marketing your services. 

5. Include More Options for Service.

You should choose each type of job and service that you provide. Go through the list carefully to ensure that everything you offer is included. This way, you’ll be able to verify that GLSAs are helping you reach a wider and larger number of people possible and actualize your entire potential. 

You may reach as many clients as possible by offering more service alternatives and service locations. 

6. Request Evaluations.

Reviews carry a lot of weight with Google. You need more than five for people to see you in the reviews area. To prove to prospective leads that you are worth their time, you should try to get as many reviews as you can. Your account has a vanity link that you can use to gather reviews. To ensure that your evaluations are shared on all platforms and services, you can also link your Business Profile reviews to your LSA account. 

While you’re gathering feedback, make sure you address any criticism, inquiries, or issues that people may have.

7. Opt-in to Extra Features.

Google encourages users of Local Services accounts to take advantage of services like the ability to SMS leads for half the price of a phone call. You can also use the LSAs’ booking option, which links your CRM and lets users make appointments straight through your LSAs. 

Take time to understand the Google LSA platform and its operation to craft more successful campaigns using its features. Businesses that use Google for various forms of advertising and marketing can benefit greatly from the wealth of resources Google offers. 

8. Mark Your Leads.

If you archive your lead, there will be no fees. All bogus leads, including those that are five seconds or less in length, should be archived. After receiving this information, Google will try to send you the right customer. You won’t be charged for faulty leads, which is an additional benefit. 

You want to record an excellent lead as booked as soon as it comes in. Each lead you receive will go toward your budget, although lead pricing may vary based on your region, the type of task, the lead type, or the bidding style. Google examines this data and attempts to locate additional similar customers when it detects real leads coming through your LSA profile. 

For optimize Google local service ads, continuously monitor the dashboard and promptly and accurately label leads. Promptly responding to and marking leads can improve your ranking on Google Local Service Ads.

9. Make Sure Your Ads Have High-Quality Images.

Ads with high-quality photos increase the chances of potential customers interacting with your ad. As they say, “The first impression is the last impression.” High-quality photos show professionalism and dependability. Your photos should be clear, high resolution, and befitting of the services or products you offer. These photos can also be of your group, projects, or tools. Find out more about the photo requirements for Local Services Ads.

Get professionally taken photos or high-quality resolution photos to capture potential clients’ interest in choosing your product over a competitor. After all, a picture is a thousand words, and your photos should show your quality.

Note: Before being added to the ad, your photos will be reviewed by Google to ensure they meet these quality standards. Images from your Google Business Profile may be included in your advertisement, but none that reveal your identity should be submitted.

10. Steer Clear of Disapprovals and Other Optimizations.

Check your account to ensure nothing is disapproved as part of your monthly LSA checklist. An outdated certification or headshot that has been flagged could ruin the effectiveness of your advertising. 

Make sure you pick the right services for your company. Choose every service on the list, but use caution. For example, if you are an attorney who does not focus on medical malpractice, you should not list it. Leads for positions you won’t take are irrelevant.

Concluding Words

Local service ads aren’t something you can set and forget. Businesses that succeed with LSAs are diligent in booking and archiving leads, timely responding, and proactive in their reviews.   

There will be a surge in leads if your LSAs are improved. 

Contact the team at Website Pandas if you need assistance with any marketing campaign, including Google Local Service Ads optimization.

Ankur Goyal
Ankur Goyal

Ankur is a Digital Evangelist with over 20 years of work experience. Ankur has been managing Google and Facebook Ads for over ten years. He loves the digital world and everything about it! His goal is to help as many businesses as possible by sharing his knowledge of online marketing with them.

Ankur has an extensive background in Shopify, E Commerce, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Strategies, Sales Funnels, and Conversion Rate Optimization. He is a founder of Website Pandas – a digital agency specializing in Web Design & development, Digital Marketing, and Data Analysis & Optimization. Apart from managing overall agency operations, Ankur also leads the company's digital marketing efforts.

