Website Pandas

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right PPC Agency for Your Business

The Ultimate Guide to Choosing the Right PPC Agency for Your Business

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PPC, or pay-per-click, advertising, is ubiquitous. There are PPC ads whether you’re browsing social media or doing a Google search. Pay-per-click marketing is a type of online advertising in which companies place advertisements on websites like Google, Bing, etc., and only get charged when a user clicks on the advertisement. PPC advertising is a popular option for companies of all sizes because it is considered a low-cost and effective form of advertising. You probably see PPC ads daily if you use a smartphone or computer, regardless of the advertising platform. As sponsored content, paid search ads like Google Ads appear at the top of search results pages.

Any successful marketing strategy now includes digital advertising as a critical component. One of the best strategies for increasing conversions and increasing website traffic is pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. But managing a fruitful PPC campaign necessitates knowledge, experience, and in-depth familiarity with the field. PPC agencies step in to help with that. Hiring a PPC agency can be a wise investment for companies looking to get the most out of their advertising. But how do you pick the best option for your company out of the many available? This comprehensive guide will cover the main aspects that companies should consider when selecting a PPC agency.

Guide to choosing the right PPC agency for your business

PPC firms aren’t created equally. While some are experts at certain advertising, others are platform specialists who excel at providing outstanding customer experiences. The different characteristics of a PPC agency that you must look into while choosing it for your business include

They value data, analytics, and outcomes.

Due to the direct connection between revenue generated and ad spending, PPC is an exciting type of digital marketing. Because of this, the success of future campaigns depends on data and analytics. The top PPC companies are skilled at utilizing data to plan innovative ideas that raise your overall ROI. They create high-yield campaigns by combining what they already know and what they discover about your target market. Additionally, they recognize the value of gathering as much information as they can and sharing it with you.

Strategic alliances and independent sources of data

The more first-party data you gather about your target audience and their behavior, the more campaigns you run and the longer you’ve been in business. However, the top PPC firms also have a sizable database of their first-party data. They also know how to apply it to forecast the purchasing patterns of your audience based on comparable industries and previous customers. Additionally, they might establish connections with first-party data sources to draw from their informational resources. Along with data, intelligent agencies collaborate with top social media and search platforms. New updates and changes are first made known to partners.

Being familiar with local search

82% of smartphone users use search engines when looking for local businesses. They decide where to shop, go out to lunch, and have fun using expressions like “near me.” In addition, those searches result in a store visit on the same day in 76% of cases. It’s critical to appear in search results appropriately, whether you use your business to meet with customers or sell products. Select a company with extensive experience with paid and organic local search. Ask questions if you need help finding the answers you need on their website.

Powerful mobile optimization skills

More than half (53%) of search ad clicks come from mobile devices. Mobile optimization is challenging, particularly when combined with dynamic search algorithms. Therefore, hiring a PPC agency that understands how to handle this shift to mobile browsing is essential. While other agencies might not, some might highlight this as a feature on their websites. Therefore, check their knowledge during your initial phone calls by asking questions.

Focus is placed on the appropriate PPC channels.

Finding a PPC agency specializing in the platforms you want to use is crucial whether you’re interested in search, social, programmatic, shopping, or multi-channel PPC campaigns. While other agencies may consult, design, and manage paid social media campaigns, some may only manage search campaigns. Both campaigns and PPC agencies are unique from one another.

Exemplary keyword research

By focusing on commercial-intent (transactional) keywords, you can see a return on your investment more quickly. The search terms “Buy iPhone X” and “best web hosting services” indicate that people are prepared to buy.

The aim of PPC advertising isn’t just to make more money. You might want to expand your email list to add more leads to your sales funnel—promoting brand awareness. Alternatively, generate more traffic to boost ad revenue. Your PPC agency needs to comprehend the purpose of your campaign and assist you in selecting the right keywords to target, regardless of the result.

Need help getting your PPC campaigns off the ground?

Website Pandas is a one-stop shop for all of your PPC needs. Our experts have years of experience in helping companies drive traffic through strategic, targeted campaigns – so you can trust us to get it right. We closely monitor who’s clicking on our ads and their buying behavior, ensuring we’re constantly optimizing the best-performing keywords and creative messages to maximize ROI. 

 Don’t waste time figuring out which search terms will be most effective or what advertising copy works best – let our team do the work for you! With Website Pandas’ pay-per-click services, you’ll never miss an opportunity to increase conversions from prospects already interested in your offer.

Contact us today, and let’s start creating tailored PPC campaigns that will bring success!

Ankur Goyal
Ankur Goyal

Ankur is a Digital Evangelist with over 20 years of work experience. Ankur has been managing Google and Facebook Ads for over ten years. He loves the digital world and everything about it! His goal is to help as many businesses as possible by sharing his knowledge of online marketing with them.

Ankur has an extensive background in Shopify, E Commerce, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Strategies, Sales Funnels, and Conversion Rate Optimization. He is a founder of Website Pandas – a digital agency specializing in Web Design & development, Digital Marketing, and Data Analysis & Optimization. Apart from managing overall agency operations, Ankur also leads the company's digital marketing efforts.

