Website Pandas

Google Ads for Junk Cars

Google Ads for Junk Cars – A Comprehensive Guide

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Lead and revenue generation is often a challenge in the competitive business world. However, paid marketing platforms like Google Ads help significantly. If you own a junk car removal business, you need a solid online presence to find and acquire vehicles. Google Ads for junk cars will enable you to increase your reach among potential customers.

Through precise targeting with keywords, setting up location settings, creating optimized landing pages, and continuously monitoring Google Ads, your junk car business can fulfill many of its lead generation and revenue goals. Learn about using Google ads for junk car business in detail below.

What is Google Ads for Junk Car Business?

What is Google Ads for Junk Cars

Google Ads is a PPC platform that allows junk car services to connect with their target audience and increase their visibility. Businesses create their ads using the keywords, and Google shows them on the search engine results page for people who are actively using those keywords to connect with junk car services. 

To generate leads and conversions, you can create ads with the right messaging that speaks to the concerns of people. Ads with relevant keywords and landing pages help you target more customers. In addition, Google Ads has various tools to track the performance of ads so you can keep optimizing them for better results.

Is Google Ads for Junk Cars Worth It?

Yes. The Google Ads platform has a significant reach and advanced targeting features, which make it worthwhile for junk car services. When you configure the ads correctly, with the right keywords and targeting, they are seen by people with high conversion potential. 

With Google Ads, you can narrow down your target audience and create tailored ads for them. Your ads can focus on key service locations, demographics, financial brackets, and other demographics. This allows you to tap into a vast customer base who is eager to sell their used or non-functioning vehicles. Also, based on your budget size and bidding strategy, you can see results from the ads in a couple of weeks.

Need Help with Google Ads?

Get Started with Google Ads for Junk Cars 

The process of creating and optimizing Google Ads for a junk car business consists of many steps. We have explained each one in detail below. 

1. Learn About Your Target Audience

Junk cars appeal to a niche audience. These can be homeowners or small business owners who are looking for older cars. Car enthusiasts, restorers, and scrap dealers are also a part of your target audience. Before setting up Google Ads for junk cars, you should learn about the needs of these audiences. 

The better you understand the target audience, the more effective your keyword research and ad creation will be. Thus, you will get more junk car leads than your competitors. 

2. Determine Your Ad Campaign Objectives 

Your Google Ads for junk cars should be driven by an objective. Broadly, there are three major objectives from which you can choose one. These include getting leads, increasing your website traffic, and boosting sales. 

  • If your objective is lead generation, you will need high-intent keywords that make people trying to sell their junk cars contact you. After that, your ad copy and landing page should have those keywords and a tailored call to action. 
  • When the objective is website traffic, you should optimize your website with valuable content that will help people understand your services. The content should also be informational and answer top concerns on selling a car, environmental regulations, and proper waste management practices.
  • If the campaign’s objective is sales, you will need to create highly promotional ads. Google Ads will optimize their delivery to reach customers who have a high chance of converting. You can use text, display, and video ads when using this objective.

3. Target the Right Keywords 

Keyword selection is crucial when setting up Google Ads for junk cars. Aim to find keywords that your target sellers use to find services that you offer. Use tools like Ahrefs, SEMrush, and Google Keyword Planner to find search terms that your potential customers commonly use. 

Check your competitors’ ads and find out what keywords they are using. Also, target long-tail keywords specific to your business because they are less competitive, so your ads have a high chance of getting clicks from people who are willing to convert.

If you aim to make sales, use transactional keywords like ‘sell my junk car’ or ‘we buy junk cars.’ But if you want to increase traffic, focus on informational keywords to create ad content like ‘where to sell a junk car.’ 

Here are some good keywords you can use for your junk cars Google Ads based on your goals:

  • Best truck for junk removal
  • Best Valley junk removal
  • Baltimore’s best junk removal
  • Best app for junk removal
  • Best dump trailer for junk removal
  • home junk removal near me
  • Residential junk removal near me 

Read Also:- How to Add Keywords to Google Ads

4. Create Your Google Ads for Junk Cars Campaign

Now, you know how to find the target audience and select keywords. Start creating your first junk cars ad campaign using these points:

  • Go to the official Google Ads page.
  • Create an ad account.
  • Tap ‘Skip Campaign Creation‘ after logging in.
Create Your Google Ads
  • Give your billing information.
Give Your Billing Information
  • Now, set a budget
  • Tap the ‘Explore your account‘ button.
  • On the Google Ads dashboard, tap ‘New Campaign.’
  • Choose a campaign objective or choose the option ‘Create a campaign without a goal’s guidance.’
  • Tap the ‘Search Network‘ option. This will enable your ads to show at the top for your targeted search terms.
  • Enter your campaign name to proceed.

5. Configure the Campaign Settings

There are many sections under the Google Ads campaign. To correctly set up your ad campaign, follow these points:

  • Under the Bidding section, choose the click you want and place a tick on the ‘Set a maximum cost per click bid limit‘ box.
  • Set your CPC bid limit and tap ‘Next.’
  • In the Networks section, remove the tick from the ‘Include Google Search Partners‘ option.
  • Remove the tick from the ‘Include Google Display Network‘ option under the Display Network section.
  • Under the Locations section, choose the ‘Enter another location‘ option. 
  • Type the location of your target audience.
  • Make use of radius targeting around particular areas and exclude areas where you don’t provide your services.
  • Select the language and hit ‘More settings.’
  • Under the More Settings section, choose ‘Do Not Optimize: Rotate Ads Indefinitely.’ It will allow you to see high-performing ads.
  • Enter a starting and ending date for your Google Ads for the Junk Cars campaign.
  • Choose an ad schedule according to your strategy.
  • Now, enter keywords under the ‘Keyword‘ box.

6. Create Ad Groups for Junk Car Business 

You can manage a group of junk car ads easily by creating ad groups. So, if you cater to people wanting to sell their cars and offer immediate payment or car removal services, you should make individual ad groups for them. Ad groups make your ad more relevant.  They have keywords based on the overarching theme. 

The ad group for people who want to sell their cars can be ‘sell my junk car for cash,’ ‘sell my junk car no title,’ ‘sell my junk car for parts,’ and the like.

Ad group for offering immediate payment for junk cars can be ‘cash for junk cars near me,’ ‘cash for scrap car removal,’ and ‘cash for old car removal near (city name).’

The ad group about your service of removing old cars can be ‘junk car removal service,’ ‘same-day junk car removal,’ and the like. 

7. Use Ad Extensions 

In order to make your Google Ads for junk cars more informative and action-oriented, you should add extensions. The extensions function as additional features that enable people to learn more about your services. These include:

  • Call Extensions: These extensions are used to add phone numbers to your ads so potential customers can call you.
  • Location Extensions: These extensions add a physical location to your ads and are ideal for local junk car businesses.
  • Sitelink Extensions: These extensions are meant to add links to the ad for specific web pages on your website. 

8. Create and Optimize the Landing Page 

Your Google Ads for junk car business should direct people to a highly relevant and targeted landing page. It should offer value to people who have clicked on your ad and shown an interest in your junk car services. 

Include the main keyword at the top of the landing page. It should have Call or Submit Contact form options so you can collect the information from visitors immediately. Features like high-quality images, benefit-oriented content, testimonials, and phone numbers are important. They gear the landing page to the needs of the potential customer. 

Here are some ways to optimize the landing page for your junk car Google Ads:

  • Mention the contact information that will allow the visitor to connect with you.
  • Use call-to-actions like ‘Call now‘ or ‘Contact us.’
  • Create a FAQ(Frequently Asked Questions) section to help users learn about your services and resolve their concerns.
  • Include a lead form in your page to get customer information like name, phone number, and email address.

9. Set Your Budget and Launch the Campaign

Google Ads shows different budget options according to the maximum CPC bid you entered earlier. To control your spending, select the option to set a custom budget. After that, publish and launch your campaign.

10. Track the Campaign

After your ads go live, measuring their performance is crucial. You will see detailed reporting on your ad dashboard on metrics like impressions, clicks, CTR or click-through rate, and the rate of converting customers. Examining the metrics will offer you insights into the high-performing ads. 

At this stage, you should set up conversion tracking. It lets you know how many clicks result in the desired customer activity on your landing page or website. 

Three types of conversion categories should be set up to track the results.

  1. Paid Google Ads Listings: These include Thank You page submissions. You should add a conversion code to the page after users complete the process.
  2. Google Maps Listings: These include calls from your ad’s landing page.
  3. Organic Search Listings: These are in-app extension calls or the contact number in your ad for people who call directly after seeing the number on your ad. 

In addition, set up Google Analytics to understand user behavior on your page and the actions they take.

Concluding Words 

Now, you are all set to get more leads and grow your junk car removal business through Google Ads. Data-driven online advertising is key to increasing your chances of getting converting leads. However, it requires experience primarily because the likelihood of making mistakes when starting out with Google Ads is high. 

If you want an expert to take care of your ads, feel free to connect with the Google Ads specialist at Website Pandas. We will set up an effective ad campaign that will help you spread your service’s awareness and keep getting new leads.

Need Help with Google Ads?

Ankur Goyal
Ankur Goyal

Ankur is a Digital Evangelist with over 20 years of work experience. Ankur has been managing Google and Facebook Ads for over ten years. He loves the digital world and everything about it! His goal is to help as many businesses as possible by sharing his knowledge of online marketing with them.

Ankur has an extensive background in Shopify, E Commerce, Social Media, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Strategies, Sales Funnels, and Conversion Rate Optimization. He is a founder of Website Pandas – a digital agency specializing in Web Design & development, Digital Marketing, and Data Analysis & Optimization. Apart from managing overall agency operations, Ankur also leads the company's digital marketing efforts.

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